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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Presto pressure cooker.

Forget whatever horror stories you heard about your grandmother's pressure cooker. For time saving, flavor and nutrition no cooking method beats today's safe and reliable pressure cookers. You can get home at 7:00 and have a complete, fresh, homecooked meal on the table by 7:30 or even earlier. Put those soggy, bland microwave meals behind you, and get ready to accept the adulation of your adoring family.

Here is how a Presto pressure cooker works its magic. The cover or lid locks in place creating a closed system at a standard 15 pounds of Presto pressure cooker. At this pressure water boils at 257 degrees F instead of the usual 212 degrees F. The higher temperature cooks the food faster. About three times faster than regular stove top cooking methods. Small to medium-sized potatoes cook in five minutes, and a whole "roast" chicken dinner cooks in only twenty minutes. All foods, vegetables in particular, keep their color and their flavor. Nutrients stay trapped in the pot instead of dissipating in a cloud of steam.

Create faster, healthier, tastier meals with Presto pressure cooker!Once it was a simple matter to find a favorite recipe and prepare a meal. Not so today! Now family taste preferences have to be carefully balanced with concerns about health, nutrition, and food safety. And in meal preparation, technique often has to take a backseat to convenience and speed.

Presto pressure cookers have been around for a long time and offer a variety of different sized stainless steel and aluminum pots. Professional chefs prefer a stainless Presto pressurecooker because it is nonreactive and can be safely cleaned in a dishwasher, but aluminum is also a good choice if weight is a consideration. You want heat resistant double handles, one on each side of the pot, in every case. A 6 quart pressure cooker is minimum family size.

The Presto pressure cookers . . .

Saves Time:
Foods cook three to ten times faster than with ordinary cooking methods.

Saves Money:
Superfast cooking means lower fuel bills and more for your money at the supermarket. It preserves the flavors, colors and valuable nutrients of the foods you buy, plus it turns budget cuts of meat into tender, tasty meals.

Saves Nutrients:
Because foods cook quickly in an almost airless environment with just a little liquid, precious vitamins and minerals aren't boiled away.

Saves Work:
Convenience and versatility mean you can prepare everything from a simple entree to a complete gourmet meal in minutes.

Saves Energy:
It's even good for the environment, because reduced cooking times conserve energy.

And it's simple, too!
Here's how Presto pressure cooker works. When water (or any liquid) boils, it produces steam. A tightly-sealed pressure cooker traps this steam, which then builds pressure inside the cooker. Under pressure, cooking temperatures can be raised significantly higher than possible under normal conditions. The super-heated steam created by these higher temperatures cooks foods quickly, evenly, deliciously. It's that simple!

You are better off sticking with a name brand manufacturer even when price is your primary consideration. Quality control is likely to be better but more importantly you want to be able to get replacement parts when you need them five or ten years from now. Valves get lost. Gaskets wear out or get damaged. A loose fitting lid doesn't affect your stock pot but it will put your pressure cooker out of business.My suggesstion is Presto pressure cooker!!!!
more info please visit;
Presto Pressure Cooker Recipe

Presto pressure cooker.

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